Agenda item

Interim report Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETS)

7.40pm – 8.10pm




1.  That the interim progress report concerning not in education and employment training (NEET) strategy for children in care (CiC) be noted. A full report will be presented at “achieve economic wellbeing” corporate parenting committee meeting scheduled for 26 April 2011.


2.  That the new children looked after (CLA), not in education and employment training (NEET) strategy and action plan introduced in April 2010 be noted.


3.  That the cabinet member for children’s services makes a written enquiry to the strategic director of children’s services to ask how the current review of early years provision will ensure looked after children and care leavers who are parents are supported in ensuring education or employment, and to share the response with the committee.


4.  That the cabinet member for children’s services be requested to write to the 14-19 partnership to ask them to set out how the current strategy to support Southwark College will specifically meet the needs of older children in care and care leavers and to share the response with the committee.


5.  That the principal of Southwark College be invited to attend the April meeting of the corporate parenting committee in order to ensure that the needs of looked after children are met and that measures are in place to monitor progress.


6.  That the cabinet member for children’s services write to the council’s economic development division to ensure that some jobs are targeted at looked after children and that providers are made aware that some of Southwark’s looked after children may live outside the borough.






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