Agenda item

Children in Care accessing Leisure, including Fusion Partnership

7.20pm – 7.40pm




1.  That the framework for supporting leisure for looked after children as part of the be healthy agenda, and the initiatives to promote hobbies and leisure activities to develop a healthy lifestyle and build confidence as part of enjoy and achieve agenda be noted. 


2.  That the council’s procurement team and cabinet member for culture, leisure, sport and the Olympics be requested to review and extend Fusion’s partnership for a further three year period from April 2011:


The review to include:


a.  raising the age by one year to aged 20

b.  improving data recording and tracking arrangements

c.  maintaining level of 150 top memberships

d.  streamlining registration processes for looked after children

e.  raising access to the minimum age of 14


3.  To acknowledge the importance of councillors attending the social leisure event and the need to support such events on an ongoing basis in their role as ‘corporate parents’.



Supporting documents: