Agenda item

Public Question Time (15 Minutes)

To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules.


Two public questions had been received. The questioners were not in attendance, the chair therefore read out the questions and answers were given by the relevant cabinet members as detailed below:


Public question from Mr Jerry Hewitt:


Hawkstone Estate was informed on 17/02/2011 that the “2 year” Major Works “frameworks” programme is “on hold” after starting in June 2010 (9 months after the exclusive “launch” event!) When will the equality impact assessments be updated and when will major works to each block be completed? “


Answer of the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Housing Management:


“Given the council’s range of statutory responsibilities, it is inappropriate to continue implementing a decision when new material information comes to light without fully considering that information. We find ourselves in that position at Hawkstone Estate, where pilot works by the council’s major works partnering contractor indicates that the works proposed to the maisonette blocks will be disproportionately expensive and so disruptive that they cannot be undertaken with the properties occupied.


The cabinet is due to conclude its review of the housing investment strategy in May. One of the strands under consideration is how to deal with estates that have particularly high project costs of refurbishment; where there is a need to assess whether alternative solutions may be more appropriate than straightforward investment works. Given the circumstances outlined above, it is likely that Hawkstone Estate will be worthy of consideration. We will of course use the feasibility work already undertaken for Hawkstone, which will mean we can progress fairly rapidly, and in advance of the May cabinet report.


Although I am unable to confirm when major works will be completed, I can confirm that equalities impact will be considered as part of the process described.“



Public question from Mr Adrian Smith:


“The Southwark Plan allocates the site at 525-539 Old Kent Road as within the Old Kent Road action area and indicates that ‘development within this area should seek the creation of housing and increase the range of employment uses’. How does item 16 of your agenda meet with these expectations? “


Answer of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Corporate Strategy:


“The questioner is quoting from the Southwark Plan Policy 7.3 ‘Old Kent Road Action Area’. This sets out a vision for the area with a number of aims for the Old Kent Road Action Area. These include the aim to create high quality housing and increase the range of employment uses but also the aim to maintain and increase small scale town centre uses including community and health uses.


It is not the intention that all developments would achieve all of these aims at once. This would, in any case, not be possible as smaller sites would not be able to accommodate the full range of uses that we are seeking to encourage in the area.


However, plans have been discussed which include employment generating workshop units on the rear part of the site.


The vision for the area set out in policy 7.3 should also be read in combination with other policies in the Plan which includes policies to encourage development of community facilities.


Policy 7.3 will be replaced by the Core Strategy Strategic Policy 2 – area vision for Old Kent Road action area. This says that, as part of the overall vision for the places within Southwark, we are aiming to balance providing as many homes as possible with growth of other activities that create successful places.  This will include the provision of community facilities such as places of worship.


Strategic Policy 4 in the Core Strategy refers to 'Places for Learning, Enjoyment and Healthy Lifestyles' states that there will be a wide range of well used community facilities that provide spaces for many different communities and activities in accessible areas. This will be achieved by, among other things, facilitating a network of community facilities that meet the needs of local communities. In a 'fact box' attached to the policy we include places of worship in the list of community facilities.


Any application for planning permission made by the organisation seeking to purchase this property will be considered with regard to the development plan which will include the Core Strategy and the saved policies from the Southwark Plan and any other material considerations. The decision would be taken by the planning committee, the community council by officers under delegated powers and in any case would not be a decision of the cabinet.”