Agenda item

Corporate Parenting Committee - Workplan 2010-11




1.  The committee considered the 2010/11 work plan  and welcomed the thematic approach for future meetings of the committee based on the Every Child Matters outcomes.


2.  That it be noted that additional reports can be requested throughout the year and linked with the Every Child Matters themed meetings as appropriate.


3.  The committee requested:


·  That an interim Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETS) report to be considered at 9 November committee, with a more detailed report as set out on the work plan to be considered on 26 April 2011.


·  That a report on pupil premiums be included for consideration on 9 November 2010 as part of the ‘Enjoy and Achieve Theme’.


·  That in relation to the ‘Be Healthy Theme’ theme on 22 September 2010 it was confirmed by officers that a nurse, along with the designated doctor would attend the committee.


·  That in relation to the substance misuse strategy set out for consideration 22 September 2010, officers should include how the broader strategy fits in and interlinks with adults and young people strategies and other work being undertaken in this area.


·  That in respect of the teenage pregnancy strategy listed for consideration 22 September 2010 as part of the ‘Be Healthy’ theme, officers should include more detail in respect of children in care and how this relates to the broader strategy, including figures for the last three years.


4.  That officers establish a date for members of the committee to meet with speakerbox as soon as possible.


The following issues were raised:


  • Celebration event. Confirmed that this event was taking place on 28 October 2010 with invites to be sent shortly.
  • Time of committee. The Chair asked Bola Roberts to email members of the committee to seek their views on the current start time of the committee of 1pm. Views would be fed back to Councillor Catherine McDonald once received.


The meeting ended at 2:45pm.

Supporting documents: