Agenda and minutes

Bermondsey and Rotherhithe Community Council - Monday 29 April 2013 7.00 pm

Venue: Canada Water Culture Space, 21 Surrey Quays Road, London SE16 7AR

Contact: Gerald Gohler, Constitutional Officer  Tel: 020 7525 7420, email:

Note No. Item


Introduction and welcome

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    The chair welcomed residents, councillors and officers to the meeting.



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    There were apologies for absence from Councillors Mark Gettleson and Catherine McDonald.


Disclosure of Members' interests and dispensations

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    Members to declare any interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.


    There were none.


Items of business that the Chair deems urgent

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    The chair to advise whether they have agreed to any item of urgent business being admitted to the agenda.



    There were none.




Deputations / Petitions (if any)

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    The chair to advise on any deputations or petitions received.


    There were none.


Community Announcements

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    • Safer Neighbourhoods Teams (Met Police)


    • Citizenship Services, Bryony Aldous (Ceremonies Officer)


    • Future rail works in Bermondsey – Bill Legassick (Southwark Environmental Protection Team) and Vickie Hall (Network Rail) 



    Safer Neigbourhoods Teams

    PC Calman from South Bermondsey ward addressed the meeting and fed back on Rotherhithe police station, which would remain in use for the foreseeable future, until a new permanent base could be found. However, the police station would have limited or no front counter service, due to officer numbers. Councillor Richard Livingstone explained that front counter provision was to move, possibly to Canada Water Library with a 3-hour-a-week counter service, and that the police were still planning to sell Rotherhithe police station. The council was working with the police to find a permanent base for them in the area. In response to questions, PC Calman responded that the police were aware of the sheds on the Avondale Square estate having been broken into. 


    Network Rail

    Mark Summers, Project Director at Network Rail, informed the meeting that works would be happening in the London Bridge area and to the station. This would enable 16 Thameslink trains an hour to go through the station. In terms of the infrastructure works proposed in Bermondsey, these would consist of constructing a fly-over and a dive-under for trains. Remodelling the track and signalling would be undertaken in stages from New Cross to Bermondsey and to London Bridge and beyond. There would be some disruption and noise, but the majority of the works would take place on bank holiday weekends, with some work taking place on weeknights and weekends. The first closure of London Bridge Station would be in August 2014, when the terminus part of the station would be closed for 9 days, followed by a closure of 16 days at Christmas 2014. The Borough viaduct and the two additional tracks would be brought into use in December 2015. Drop-in sessions were being arranged to engage with the community and to inform them about the impact of the works. In addition, there would also be regular updates in the form of bulletins and newsletters. As part of the Section 106 agreement, employment for local people would be provided, and 16 apprentices would also be trained.


    Concerns were raised about how the works would affect Tooley Street and about adequate notice being given regarding renewed disruption. The meeting heard that Network Rail, Transport for London, and the utility companies should work together to minimise disruption. Southwark’s Highways Management Team would work with the organisations to ensure this.


    Councillors said that it would be helpful to have maps showing the area and the anticipated additional traffic flows of construction lorries and other traffic. Mark Summers said he would take these comments back. The meeting heard that the community forums which were taking place every three months were useful. Councillor Anood Al-Samerai said that the forums and the community council had asked for a traffic management survey to be conducted, and asked for this to be brought back to a future meeting.


    Responding to questions from the floor, Mark Summers explained that wheelchair access to South Bermondsey Station was not part of the works under  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



Schools in the community council area

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    Sam Fowler (Southwark Schools for the Future Project Director) to update the meeting.


    The chair introduced the item by saying that new schools for the community council area had long been one of things that residents and councillors had asked for.


    Compass School

    Tony Searle, the Head of the Compass School, told the meeting he had been in post full-time since January 2013 and was working towards opening the school in September. This would happen on the former Southwark College site in Keeton’s Road, in interim accommodation. Over 50 pupils had already signed up. The new school would have a capacity of 600 pupils, and would be striving for excellence in all fields, including competitive sports, and focusing on reading, writing and maths. It would also have a sibling rule.  This September, up to 100 year-7 pupils would start, with more classes coming on-stream in subsequent years.


    Responding to questions from the floor, Tony Searle said that the school would be non-fee paying and non-selective. It would offer arts and drama as extra-curricular activities. Its catchment area would be local, responding to the need for a school in the vicinity of the site. The school would be happy to work with the council to attract funding for sports facilities which could also be used by the school, for example the ones in Southwark Park, which were in need of repair. He went on to say that he was not in a position to answer questions about the plans for the rest of the site, which was owned by Grosvenor. Grosvenor had not put in planning permission, however, the plans for the site were likely to be a mix of residential and commercial properties.


    Simon Hughes MP explained the history of the site and how the current situation had been arrived at. He outlined which negotiations had taken place before and following the merger of Southwark College with Lewisham College, and the subsequent purchase of the site by Grosvenor. There were also negotiations taking place to locate a university technical college on the site.


    Southwark Schools for the Future

    Sam Fowler, Project Director - Southwark Schools for the Future, outlined the situation regarding school places in the borough. He explained that there was a shortfall in primary school places. This was an ongoing trend all over London, but particularly in the Bermondsey and Rotherhithe area. By September 2016, there would be a shortfall of 180 places over the six forms in the area. The council was going to address this by means of temporary expansions of the existing schools. In the Bermondsey and Rotherhithe areas, this would take place at Albion Primary and Grange Primary, but officers were also engaging with all schools across the borough. There had been an audit of school places, resulting in a shortlist of schools which could respond to the demand for places, and officers were working with these schools. There would be permanent expansions at Albion and Grange primary schools, as well as at Phoenix School and Redriff School. There were also be a number of free schools  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.



Proposed new community infrastructure project list (CIPL) to guide S106 and CIL expenditure in each Community Council replacing the community project banks, 12/03/2013 Bermondsey and Rotherhithe Community Council

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    Note: This is an executive function.


    Councillors to agrees the new community infrastructure project list for this community council, which replaces the previous community project bank for the same area.


    Zayd Al-Jawad, Section 106 Legal Agreements Manager 


    Supporting documents:


    Note: This is an executive function.


    Councillors considered the information contained in the report.




    That the list of proposed projects set out below be agreed as the new community infrastructure project list for this community council, which replaces the previous community project bank for the same area.


    Greening Tyers estate


    St Mary Magdalen Churchyard path to Tanner Street Park to create a path to improve access to/from park.


    Relocating the traffic lights at the junction of Tanner Street and Tower Bridge Road, to make the junction safer for cyclists and pedestrians.


    Improving the junction at Long Lane and Tower Bridge Road for cyclists and pedestrians


    Footway improvements (uneven paving) to Shad Thames


    Environmental improvements to Tower Bridge Road as a whole


    Bermondsey Wall West and Chambers Street footway and carriageway improvements


    Improved street lighting on Coxon Way


    Fountain Green Square - resurfacing and pond improvements.


    Teenager play space on Bevington Street


    Nickleby House kick about area extension


    Frean Street new lighting around new block (with the proviso that this may have already been funded by Cleaner, Greener, Safer funding)


    St Olav's Square - public realm


    Lighting on the approaches to the doctor's surgery near St James' Church


    Improve lighting, cleaning and pigeon proofing Crucifix Lane railway bridge

    Clean Abbey Street railway arch


    Resurface/pave uneven footpath on Clements Road


    Secure community space for Rotherhithe Picture library (with the proviso that this may have already been funded by Section 106 funding)


    Expansion of space for Sands community cinema club (with the proviso that this may have already been funded by Section 106 funding)


    Bermondsey Community Nursery - physical improvements and add accessibility improvements to the nursery


    Old Kent Road flyover - create a New York City “High Line” style park

    Old Kent Road - improve the greenery, with lots of tress and make the whole road feel like the entrance to Burgess Park


    Green links between Russia Dock Woodland and Southwark Park


    The old Fish Farm nursery, create a ‘green’ walkway through to Southwark Park from the old Fish Farm nursery. Improved public security.


    Dockley Road - refurbish and clean up the arch


    Spa Road - create a pedestrian crossing half way down between Grange Road and the railway line


    Ilderton Road, south of Surrey Canal Road - improve appearance of footways, making them more attractive and improve the areas where litter currently collects


    Lighting improvements on the Grange, Grange Walk, Spa Road, Curtis Street


    Old Kent Road / Dunton Road - Improve transport, communities and greener areas; upgrade council housing


    Renforth Street - create a link between the tube and Albion Street


    Outdoor gym at Spa Park


    New community facilities on Surrey Docks Farm


    New bus stop in the middle of St James Road (near Dockley Road) to collect people from St James Road (travelling to and from The Blue)

    Bermondsey Community Nursery accessibility improvements


    Improved lighting on Frean St (with the proviso that this may have already been funded by Cleaner, Greener, Safer funding)

    Community space for Fair Community  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



Local Parking Amendments

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    Note: This is an executive function.


    Councillors to consider the recommendations set out in the report.

    Supporting documents:


    Note: This is an executive function.


    Councillors considered the information contained in the report.




    That the following local parking amendments, detailed in the appendices to the report, be approved for implementation, subject to the outcome of any necessary statutory procedures:



    a.  Warndon Street – adjust the position of existing disabled bay outside Silverlock Medical Centre


    b.  Lynton Road – install double yellow lines outside the entrance to No. 304 to 312 (Cedars Assist recovery yard)


    c.  Sharratt Road – install double yellow lines between Ilderton Road and electrical substation (outside and opposite the Leathams Factory)


    d.  Raymouth Road – install double yellow lines outside railway arch No.36.


    e.  Bermondsey Street  – make the following adjustments:

    1.  remove existing ‘loading only’ bay outside No. 176 and replace with a single yellow line

    2.  extend the existing permit holder’s (F) parking bay outside No.179 by one approximately space, to replace a double yellow line


    f.  Tanner Street – extend the existing permit holder’s (F) bay outside Nos. 5 to 7 by approx 2 metres, to replace a single yellow line


    g.  Tooley Street (below Duke Street Hill) – make the following adjustments:

    1.  install new cycle hire docking station outside Colechurch House, to replace existing single yellow line.

    2.  convert the existing single yellow lines in this stretch of Tooley Street to double yellow lines except where an existing double Car Club bay is to be retained


    h.  Snowsfields – make the following adjustments:

    1.  install new cycle hire docking station opposite No. 147 Raquel Court, to replace 5 spaces of existing permit holder’s (F) parking bay

    2.  convert 10 metres of existing double yellow line outside No. 147 Raquel Court, to a permit holder’s (F) parking bay


    i.  Melior Street – extend the existing permit holder’s (F) parking bay outside No. 1 by one approximately space, to replace a double yellow line (to compensate for loss of parking at the proposed Snowsfields Cycle Hire docking station)


    j.  Weston Street – make the following adjustments (to compensate for loss of parking at the proposed Snowsfields cycle hire docking station):

    1.  change 11m of existing pay and display bay outside No. 58-60 to a permit holder’s (F) parking bay

    2.  change 6m of existing single yellow outside No. 50/54 to a pay and display bay.




Public question time

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    A public question form is included at page 63.


    This is an opportunity for public questions to be addressed to the chair.

    Residents or persons working in the borough may ask questions on any

    matter in relation to which the council has powers or duties.


    Responses may be supplied in writing following the meeting.

    Supporting documents:


    The following written questions were submitted at the meeting:


    “1. Are councillors aware that the wall which separates Ilderton Road traveller site from the railway track is falling down and represents a serious risk to residents’ safety? It has been falling down for over 8 years, nothing has been done. The wall is owned by Railtrack, but they are not taking responsibility and repairing the wall. Please can councillors put pressure on Railtrack, so that this problem is finally resolved?


    2. The road which serves Ilderton Road traveller site is sinking. Water collects on it and in cold weather this freezes. This is a health and safety risk to residents, especially young children. Can the council repair the road?” 


    The following question was put at the meeting:


    The gardens around the war memorial in West Lane are in need of gardening all year around, not just in November. 



Community Council Question to Council Assembly

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    Each community council may submit one question to a council assembly

    meeting that has previously been considered and noted by the community



    Any question to be submitted from a community council to council

    assembly should first be the subject of discussion at a community council

    meeting. The subject matter and question should be clearly noted in the

    community council’s minutes and thereafter the agreed question can be

    referred to the constitutional team.


    The community council is invited to consider if it wishes to submit a

    question to the ordinary meeting of council assembly in July 2013.


    This item was deferred to the next meeting scheduled for 26 June 2013.


Cleaner Greener Safer projects

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Cleaner Greener Safer (CGS) Capital Funding

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    Note: This is an executive function.


    Councillors to consider this year’s capital funding allocations.

    Supporting documents:


    Note: This is an executive function.


    Councillors considered the information contained in the report.




    That the following amounts of Cleaner, Greener, Safer capital funding 2013/2014 be allocated to the projects listed below: 




    Proposal Name

    Award amount

    Award or Grant



    The Big TBR clean up



    Match-funded by Chaucer


    Street lights aren’t just for Christmas!



    Match-funded by Chaucer


    Drying rooms at Devon Mansions blocks (1-21)



    Funding for a feasibility report


    Bermondsey Spa Beauty Project





    New ceiling for T/A Hall (Wade Hall, Dickens Estate)





    Safer Bermondsey Spa - Lighting at Frean Street





    Southwark Park Old Nursery Master Plan



    Jointly funded with Rotherhithe. Part capital, part revenue


    Bermondsey hanging baskets 2013/14



    Jointly funded with Grange and South Bermondsey



    Proposal Name

    Award amount

    Award or Grant



    Rotherhithe waterways wildlife



    Jointly funded with Surrey Docks


    London Bubble creative hub






    Southwark Park old nursery master plan



    Jointly funded with Riverside


    Rotherhithe and Livesey hanging baskets 2013/14



    Jointly funded with Livesey


    Providing Information to Tustin Estate residents






    Old Kent Road Wildflower Planting



    Funding for three years


    Rotherhithe and Livesey hanging baskets 2013/14




    Jointly funded with Rotherhithe


    Brighten up Bowness



    Additional funding for 2012/13 project










    Proposal Name

    Award amount

    Award or Grant


    South Bermondsey

    Bermondsey Hanging Baskets 2013/14



    Jointly funded with Grange and Riverside. Funding includes baskets at The Blue market place for one year.

    South Bermondsey

    Community Garden off Coopers Road




    South Bermondsey

    Rennie Estate play areas




    Surrey Docks

    Rotherhithe Waterways Wildlife



    Jointly funded with Rotherhithe

    Surrey Docks

    Surrey Docks Adventure Playground




    Surrey Docks

    Surrey Quays flowering landscapes for bees




    Surrey Docks

    Greener land in Greenland




    Surrey Docks

    'Blooming Southwark!'



    Capital costs only



    NOTE: This leaves the following amounts of CGS capital under spend to be allocated at a future meeting:


    Grange ward  £42,524

    Riverside ward  £12,424

    Rotherhithe ward  £62,504

    South Bermondsey ward  £17,899

    Surrey Docks ward  £43,064

    Livesey ward 

    (Bermondsey & Rotherhithe)  £10,000 



    ACTION: Officers to produce a report about the CGS capital under spend, and to present the information about past projects, at the next community council meeting.


    The chair explained that those projects, which had not been successful in being funded through CGS, would be moved over to the project bank. The meeting heard that many of the unsuccessful projects could not be funded, because the organisations in question had not asked for enough funding, or because there had not been enough information for councillors to make a decision on. 


Cleaner Greener Safer (CGS) revenue funding

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    Note: This is an executive function.


    Councillors to consider this year’s CGS revenue funding allocations

    Supporting documents:


    Note: This is an executive function.


    Councillors considered the information contained in the report.




    That the following amounts of Cleaner, Greener, Safer revenue funding 2013/2014 be allocated to the projects listed below: 




    Proposal Name

    Award amount

    Award or Grant



    The Salmon Street bike project (Outreach)



    Jointly funded with Riverside and South Bermondsey


    The Salmon Street bike project (Outreach)



    Jointly funded with Grange and South Bermondsey


    Save Your Riverside campaign






    Bermondsey in Bloom





    Southwark Park old nursery master plan



    Jointly funded with Rotherhithe - part capital, part revenue.


    Reprint of Rotherhithe map



    Jointly funded with Livesey and Surrey Docks


    Proposal Name

    Award amount

    Award or Grant




    Saving Senior Art Group / Rainbow Arts at Time and Talents





    Albion Primary School







    Reprint of Rotherhithe map



    Jointly funded with Rotherhithe and Surrey Docks

    South Bermondsey

    St Anne's Church Young Youth Group




    South Bermondsey

    Bede House - (Part-time) youth worker




    South Bermondsey

    Bermondsey Traders Association - The Blue Day




    South Bermondsey








    The Salmon Street bike project (Outreach)



    Jointly funded with Riverside and Grange


    Proposal Name

    Award amount

    Award or Grant



    Surrey Docks

    Reprint of Rotherhithe map



    Jointly funded with Rotherhithe and Livesey

    Surrey Docks

    'Blooming Southwark!'



    Revenue costs only



    NOTE: This leaves the following amounts of CGS revenue under spend to be allocated at a future meeting:


    Grange ward  £18,000

    Rotherhithe ward  £16,365

    Surrey Docks ward  £3,015

    Livesey ward 

    (Bermondsey & Rotherhithe)  £9,665