Venue: Online. This meeting will be recorded and uploaded afterwards on Southwark Council's YouTube channel here: Please contact the clerks for information.
Contact: Paula Thornton and Virginia Wynn-Jones Phone: 020 7525 4395/7055 Email:;
No. | Item |
Announcement - Start time of cabinet meetings The Leader confirmed that the start time for cabinet meetings from December will be changed to 11am, which will be reviewed in April 2021. |
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: All members were present. |
Notification of any items of Business which the Chair Deems Urgent
In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting. Minutes: The chair gave notice of the following late items:
Item 7: Deputation requests Item 12: 760 Old Kent Road, SE15 1NJ - Strategic Investment / Site Acquisition (and closed item 28) Item 13: Policy and Resources Strategy: Revenue Monitoring Report, including Treasury Management 2020-21 (Month 5) Item 14: Policy and Resources Strategy: Capital Monitoring Report, including Capital Programme Update 2020-21 Item 16a: Leisure Management Contract - Management options from April 2021 (Pre-decision scrutiny) - Recommendations of Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Reasons for urgency and lateness will be specified in the relevant minutes. |
Notice of Intention to conduct business in a closed meeting, and any representations received
To note the items specified which will be considered in a closed meeting. Supporting documents: Minutes: No representations were received in respect of the item listed as closed business for the meeting. |
Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations
Members to declare any interests and dispensations in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: Councillor Stephanie Cryan declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Item 23: Report from the Housing Scrutiny Commission: Housing Associations as a leaseholder. |
Public Question Time (15 Minutes)
To receive any questions from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the cabinet procedure rules. The deadline for the receipt of a public question is midnight Wednesday 14 October 2020. Minutes: None were received. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the open section of the meeting held on 8 September 2020. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the closed meeting held on 8 September 2020 be approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. |
Deputation Requests
To consider any deputation requests. The deadline for the receipt of a deputation request is midnight Wednesday 14 October 2020. Supporting documents: Minutes: The report had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept this item as urgent (the requests had been received in line with the council’s constitutional deadline for the receipt of deputation requests).
1. That the following deputation requests be heard.
Dulwich Village/College Road and Woodyard residents associations
The spokersperson addressed cabinet to advise that they agreed with the goal of reducing peak time through traffic and encouraging safer walking and cycling, but felt that the proposals were disproportionate and unfair. It was felt that the various measures could be adapted so as to achieve Southwark’s and the groups goals in a fair, balanced and equitable manner, and one which could attract widespread support.
The deputation outlined to cabinet the impact of the current actions and proposals for residents and businesses in the area.
Clean Air for Dulwich
Representatives from the community within the streets covered by the Streetspace measures in Dulwich Village and East Dulwich, including the Charter School East Dulwich, Dulwich and Herne Hill Safe Routes to School, a local business and East Dulwich Station Healthy Streets addressed cabinet responding to the public petition regarding the removal of these measures. Whilst they understood that there were a range of views they outlined to cabinet the positive impact of the measures for residents, businesses and local schools, as well as a request that the consultation process for the measures be followed to ensure that the impact of the trials could be fully understood before any amendments were made.
The deputation outlined a number of concerns relating to road danger and the positives gained from healthy streets, accessible neighbourhoodsand safety for children. It was noted that the measures implemented should be reviewed not only in relation to reductions in pollution but also in terms of improving safety of vulnerable groups, healthy streets, accessible neighbourhoods and safety for children. It was felt that these measures were not focused on reducing pollution and improving road safety.
Cabinet Member / Deputy Cabinet Member response to road closures representations
Councillor Catherine Rose responded to the road closure petition/deputations by thanking all for their contributions. She acknowledged that the implementation was carried out under extraordinary circumstances and the consultative processes carried out under emergency powers in response to COVID-19.
Councillor Catherine Rose outlined measures to develop comprehensive and inclusive consultation, with the commitment to respond to feedback in a transparent manner.
Councillor Radha Burgess outlined the delivery of this process with three key main objectives:
1. Reduction of air pollution of vehicles 2. All leading active and healthy lives and 3. Reinvigorate the communities and high streets.
Southwark Group of Tenant Organisation (SGTO) (Item 17 on the agenda: Government’s Consultation on the Planning White Paper’s “Planning for The Future.”)
The deputation spokesperson addressed cabinet to outline their concern about the lack of reference in the Planning White Paper to social housing and the proposal to implement S106 and community infrastructure levy charges at the ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Petition - Road closures in Dulwich
To consider a petition from local residents relating to a request to reverse road closures in Dulwich. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the petition from local and London wide residents relating to a request to reverse road closures in Dulwich be received.
Cabinet heard a video presentation from the spokesperson of the petition which highlighted a number of issues related to the road closures including:
· Gridlocked roads · Impact on Melbourne Grove and Grove Vale businesses · Congestion and emergency vehicles and buses getting stuck in traffic · Ramifications for vulnerable members of the community · Burden on local roads · Disruption to deliveries · Roads unsafe for all.
It was argued that the concentration of all vehicles to a few roads would cause more congestion and often gridlock. This in turn caused vehicles to idle for long periods resulting in a greater level of air pollution. The scheme it was suggested was not working and should be reversed immediately. |
Southwark Stands Together Roadmap
To consider the update and actions arising. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the commitment to deliver Southwark Stands Together as a long term programme of positive action, education and initiatives to tackle racism, injustice and inequality be incorporated into the refreshed Council Plan be agreed; with priority measures and milestones developed and embedded into the council’s performance management framework.
2. That a new commitment to work to ensure the top of the council’s workforce is representative of the ethnic diversity of the local working age population by 2030 be agreed; and that work be undertaken, in consultation with staff, unions and the local community, to put in place the actions to achieve this ambition as well as short and long term success measures.
3. That it be agreed that the following principles should be incorporated into the council’s values that inform all the work we do across the council, with their final wording to be set out in the refreshed Council Plan; that we will:
a. Always work to make Southwark more equal and just b. Stand against all forms of discrimination and racism.
4. That the five Southwark Stands Together Pledges that the council is asking businesses, organisations, groups and residents to sign up to be reaffirmed and it be agreed to publicise and communicate these further using a cross sector approach.
5. That it be noted that future stages of engagement will involve connecting better, building relationships and working collaboratively and inclusively with residents, businesses and the wider community across the borough.
6. That it be noted that the resourcing implications from the programme will be assessed and continuously reviewed through the council’s policy and resources strategy process.
7. That it be noted that an annual report on programme progress will be presented to cabinet in July 2021. |
Southwark Community Support Alliance Update
To agree the implementation and timescales of the 16 recommendations for the revised Community hub model / Southwark Community Support Alliance that are required as to address the short-and long term. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the implementation and timescales of the 16 recommendations for the revised community hub model / Southwark Community Support Alliance that are required as the first steps to addressing the short-term (by March 2021) and the long-term (by March 2022) needs of the community hub be agreed.
2. That it be noted that cabinet on 8 September 2020 instructed officers to test new ways of providing housing, employment, skills, money, social care and immigration support in local communities - including testing how support from established public & voluntary and community sector (VCS) providers can be made accessible in partnership with local community ‘anchor’ organisations rooted in each part of the borough.
3. That it be noted that this work will be overseen by an implementation review group made up of representatives across the voluntary and community sector, council and health partners and that membership will be agreed in consultation with the cabinet member for social support & homelessness. |
Southwark Housing Strategy
Withdrawn Minutes: This item is now scheduled to be considered at the December meeting of cabinet. |
760 Old Kent Road, SE15 1NJ - Strategic Investment / Site Acquisition
To agree the freehold purchase. Supporting documents: Minutes: It was not possible to circulate this report five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept this item as urgent because if the council did not meet these timescales then it was likely the ability to complete this acquisition would be lost and the council would lose out on the opportunity to acquire a site providing substantial additional income and growth to support the delivery of council services and the prospect over the longer term to deliver new council homes on the site.
1. That pursuant to s227 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, that the council be authorised to acquire the freehold interest in the property shown edged black on the plan at Appendix A of the report.
2. That the principal purchase terms set out in full in paragraph 16 of the closed version of the report and substantially in paragraph 19 of the open report be authorised.
3. That authority be delegated to the director of regeneration to agree the detailed terms of the acquisition. |
Policy and Resources Strategy: Revenue Monitoring Report, including Treasury Management 2020-21 (Month 5)
To note the revenue monitoring report. Supporting documents: Minutes: It was not possible to circulate this report five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept this item as urgent because the council regularly updates cabinet on the revenue monitoring position. This was vitally important in the current circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, and its financial impact on the councils overall financial position.
1. That the General Fund forecast outturn position for 2020-21 (Table 1 of the report) be noted.
2. That the Covid-19 emergency funding support received to date paragraphs 23 – 27 of the report) be noted.
3. The Governments Covid-19 sales, fees and charges compensation scheme (paragraph 24 of the report), and that the scheme only part funds the actual losses incurred be noted.
4. That the difference of £12.897m between the additional costs and lost income forecast in the report and the funding provided the government to date (Table 2 of the report) be noted.
5. That it be noted that the funding shortfall does not include the costs of Covid-19 support for residents, businesses and communities already funded from reserves of £4.0m (paragraph 22 of the report),
6. That the forecast losses on the Collection Fund, currently estimated at £16m, will be a charge to future years budgets (paragraph 22 of the report) be noted.
7. That the other key adverse variations and budget pressures underlying the forecast outturn position be noted, notably: · Dedicated School Grants (DSG) High Needs in year pressure of £3.2m and accumulated deficit of £21.7m (paragraph 44 – 48 of the report) · Emergency tree recovery plan £1.8m.
8. That the housing revenue account (HRA) forecast outturn position for 2020-21 (Table 3, paragraphs 78-90 of the report) be noted.
9. That it be noted that there is currently no compensation for the HRA for additional costs or lost income arising from the pandemic.
10. That the treasury management activity to date in 2020-21 (paragraphs 91-98 of the report) be noted.
11. That the interdepartmental General Fund budget movements that are less than £250k as shown in Appendix A of the report be noted. |
Policy and Resources Strategy: Capital Monitoring Report, including Capital Programme Update 2020-21
To note the capital monitoring report. Supporting documents: Minutes: It was not possible to circulate this report five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept this item as urgent the council regularly updates cabinet on the capital monitoring position. This was vitally important in the current circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, and its financial impact on the councils overall financial position.
1. That the forecast outturn and resources for 2020-21 and future years for both the general fund and housing investment programmes as detailed in Appendices A, B and D of the report be noted.
2. That the virements and variations to the general fund and housing investment capital programme as detailed in Appendix C of the report be approved.
3. That the inclusion in the programme of the capital bids set out in Appendix E of the report be approved.
4. That the significant funding requirement of £379m which needs to be identified for the general fund programme to be fully delivered over the remaining term of the programme, as detailed in Appendix A of the report be noted.
5. That the significant funding requirement of £98m which needs to be identified for the housing investment programme to be fully delivered over the remaining term of the programme, as detailed in Appendix B of the report be noted. |
Recommendation to Stop and Close Queens Road 4
To request a decision to formally stop and close the Queens Road 4 (QR4) programme (including terminating construction contracts), following the impact of COVID-19 on the way in which services are delivered moving forward, and taking into account the considerable financial challenges forecast over the coming months. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the decision to formally stop and close the Queens Road 4 (QR4) programme (including terminating construction contracts) be taken, following the impact of COVID-19 on the way in which services are delivered moving forward, and taking into account the considerable financial challenges forecast over the coming months.
2. That officers in regeneration and new homes, in consultation with the cabinet member for housing, appoint an architect, from the Southwark Architects Framework, to undertake a feasibility to explore the potential use of the site at 128-148 Asylum Road (QR4) as a housing redevelopment opportunity.
3. That the need to find alternative service delivery accommodation solutions for staff based in Talfourd Place (28 staff), Curlew House (90 staff), Sumner House (182 staff) and Bournemouth Road (95 staff) be noted.
4. That it be noted that this recommendation includes the termination of the pre-construction services agreement (PCSA) contract, leading to the need, if required, to reappoint contractors later, including potential redesign. The costs, timeline and scope would need to be picked up as a new programme with revised governance in place.
5. That it be noted this recommendation may impact the council's ability to release the current candidate sites for redevelopment into new homes, impacting on Southwark’s new homes target, as outlined in Table 1 of the report.
6. That it be noted that the Pelican Estate redevelopment scheme cannot be delivered without the release of both Curlew House and Talfourd Place with these buildings intrinsically linked.
7. That it be noted that this recommendation may negatively impact the council's commitment to be net carbon neutral by 2030, by not disposing of inefficient old buildings and redeveloping these sites to be environmentally sustainable.
8. That it be noted that officers have started on the path towards developing a new staff accommodation strategy, developing new ways of working and establishing a clear vision for a future operating model moving forward. |
Leisure Management Contract Options from April 2021
To note the findings of the evaluation of the two options available to the council for the management of the leisure centres from the 1 April 2021 and approve the plan to enter into negotiations and agree a contract variation with Sports and Leisure Management Ltd (SLM), in order for the council to fully evaluate the options available to it when the current contract ends in June 2023. Supporting documents: Minutes: Cabinet considered the overview and scrutiny committee report in conjunction with this item.
1. That the findings of the evaluation of the two options available to the council for the management of the leisure centres from 1 April 2021, which is the end date for the current COVID-19 financial support agreement be noted. The evaluation indicates that, subject to the details and an agreement on any proposed variation in the contract it is likely to be advantageous for the council to continue in contract with the council’s leisure management contractor, subject to affordability, Sports and Leisure Management Ltd (SLM) whilst the future of the leisure offering is decided upon.
2. That it be noted that the continuation of the contract with SLM is likely to require negotiation and a contract variation and delegates approval of the detail of the contract variation to the strategic director of environment and leisure, in consultation with the strategic director of finance and governance, the cabinet member for leisure, environment and roads and the cabinet member for finance & resources.
3. That it be noted that these negotiations will consider the impact on employees of SLM and the council will ensure appropriate consultation with recognised trade unions takes place in relation to this and in the consideration of any future options.
4. That the council’s continued policy commitment to free swim and gym scheme be noted but recognises the need to review the scheme to ensure that it best meets the needs of residents post COVID. There is also a need to review the leisure asset base in terms of sustainability and fitness for purpose. Findings from this evaluation will factor into negotiations and future options for the service; the detailed proposals for any service changes will be the subject of a report to the lead cabinet member later this year, and before the submission of a gateway 3 report in connection with the contract variation referred to in recommendation 2 above.
5. That a Gateway 0 (full options review) be brought forward for cabinet review in or before March 2021, which will set out the preferred option for delivery of leisure centre management following the end of the contract with SLM; the contract period will expire in June 2023 unless it is terminated early. |
Leisure Management Contract - Management options from April 2021 (Pre-decision scrutiny) - Recommendations of Overview and Scrutiny Committee
To consider a report from overview and scrutiny committee and recommendations. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Ian Wingfield, chair of overview and scrutiny committee presented the report and recommendations to cabinet.
1. That, the long timescales involved in continuing the contract with the current provider post April 2021 until its expiry in 2023 be considered again by cabinet, and makes it clear that arrangements for leisure provision may well change in advance of that date, including the preferred option of in-house provision.
2. That clear a commitment to the continued offer of free swim and gym be made and that cabinet states that this is not a negotiable element in discussions with the current contractor.
3. That cabinet carries out another evaluation of this contract in April 2021, as we run the risk of just funding the current service until 2023 without getting value for money for the council and our residents. |
Government's Consultation on the Planning White Paper "Planning for the Future"
To note the response to the Planning White Paper. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the response to the Planning White Paper be noted. |
Southwark Skills Strategy - Delivery Plan Progress Update
To note the progress made in delivering the Skills Strategy since June 2019 and the impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of the Skills Strategy and the need to align with Southwark’s Economic Renewal Plan. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the progress made in delivering the Skills Strategy since June 2019 be noted.
2. That the impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of the Skills Strategy and the need to align with Southwark’s Economic Renewal Plan be noted. |
Pupil Place Planning Report
To note the updated forecasts and existing supply of primary and secondary school and a review of Place Planning areas to support primary and secondary school place planning is underway. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the updated forecasts of primary and secondary school places from 2020-2021 onwards set out in paragraphs 39 to 44 (primary) and paragraph 49 (secondary) of the report be noted.
2. That the existing supply of primary and secondary places across the council area, and the actions to monitor supply and demand be noted.
3. That a review of place planning areas to support primary and secondary school place planning which is underway as set out in paragraphs 7 to 10 of the report be noted. |
Report from the Education and Business Scrutiny Commission: Exclusions and Alternative Provision (response to the report considered at July cabinet)
To note education and children’s services comments to the exclusions and alternative provision report from the education and business scrutiny commission. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Peter Babudu, chair of the education and business scrutiny commission, was in attendance to give feedback in respect of the response.
1. That the education and children’s services comments to the exclusions and alternative provision report from the education and business scrutiny commission be noted.
2. That the recommendations of the education and business scrutiny commission be agreed. |
Report from Environment Scrutiny Commission: Second Review of the Climate Emergency Strategy (response to the report considered at July cabinet)
To note the recommendations made by the environment scrutiny commission and agree the response. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Jason Ochere, chair of the environment scrutiny commission, was in attendance to give feedback in respect of the response. Councillor Ochere thanked Councillor Leanne Werner (the previous scrutiny chair) for all her hard work in respect of the original report.
1. That the recommendations made by the environment scrutiny commission be noted and the response set out in the report be agreed.
2. That officers act upon the response agreed by cabinet as part of the corporate strategy on tackling the Climate Emergency. |
Report from Environment Scrutiny Commission: Air quality (response to the report considered at July cabinet)
To receive officers’ responses to environment scrutiny commission’s report ‘Air Quality’ dated July 2020. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Jason Ochere, chair of the environment scrutiny commission, was in attendance to give feedback in respect of the response. Councillor Ochere thanked Councillor Leanne Werner (the previous scrutiny chair) for all her hard work in respect of the original report.
That the response to environment scrutiny commission’s report ‘Air Quality’ dated July 2020 for information be received. |
Report from Housing Scrutiny Commission: Housing Associations
To agree new criteria for reviewing the List of Registered Providers (RPs) for section 106 affordable housing based on the draft criteria and related recommendations. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Stephanie Cryan having declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in respect of this item (as a leaseholder) did not participate in the discussion or decision making for this item.
Councillor Gavin Edwards, chair of the housing scrutiny commission, was in attendance to give feedback in respect of the response.
Decisions of Cabinet
1. That it be agreed that the council sets out new criteria for reviewing the list of registered providers (RPs) for section 106 affordable housing based on the draft criteria set out in paragraph 12 of the report.
2. That as part of this criteria a new charter for registered providers (RPs) and affordable housing providers in Southwark is created that sets out the council’s requirements for positive partnership work
3. That once the new set of criteria for inclusion on the list of registered providers (RPs) for Section 106 affordable housing is agreed, that a new list is created and from then on reviewed annually.
4. That training on Southwark Councillors’ role as designated people within the Regulator of Social Housing’s complaints process should be provided to Councillors, and that this role should be clarified in a letter to all housing associations operating in the borough.
5. That it be agreed that the council should review the process through which land is purchased in Southwark for affordable housing delivery to limit competition between the council and other registered providers (RPs) that can unnecessarily drive up land prices and reduce the amount of funding that can actually be invested into delivering social housing.
Decisions of the Leader of the Council
6. That authority for agreeing the final criteria for reviewing the list of registered providers (RPs) be delegated to the cabinet member for housing.
7. That authority be delegated to the cabinet member for housing to agree the charter for registered providers (RPs.) |
Report from Housing Scrutiny Commission: District Heating and Heat Networks
To consider recommendations from the housing scrutiny commission in respect of district heating and heat networks. Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Gavin Edwards, chair of the housing scrutiny commission, presented the report to cabinet.
1. That the housing scrutiny commission report on district heating and heat networks, Appendix A of the report be noted.
2. That the recommendations from the housing scrutiny commission be considered and that the cabinet member for housing reports back to cabinet within eight weeks. |
Gateway 3 - Contract Variation Heating and Water Contracts A&B
To approve the variation of contract A (north of the borough) heating and water contract and the variation of contract B (south of the borough), heating and water contract. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the variation of contract A (north of the borough) heating and water contract to OCO Ltd to extend the term of the contract for a period of three years from 1 April 2021 at an estimated sum of £12.5m per annum making a total estimated extension value of £37.5m, and estimated contract value of £82.5m for eight years composed of actual and projected expenditure be approved.
2. That the variation of contract B (south of the borough) heating and water contract to Smith & Byford Ltd to extend the term of the contract for a period of three years from 1 April 2021 at an estimated sum of £8.2m per annum making a total estimated extension value of £24.6m, and a total estimated contract value of £59.3m for eight years composed of actual and projected expenditure be approved. |
Appointments to Outside Bodies 2020-21
To consider and agree appointments to the outside bodies for the 2020-21 municipal year. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the cabinet the appointments to the outside bodies listed in Appendix A of the report for the 2020-21 municipal year be agreed as follows:
Better Bankside Board
Councillor Stephanie Cryan
Blue Bermondsey Bid
Councillor Leanne Werner
Board of Southwark College Corporation
Councillor Stephanie Cryan
Browning Estate Management Association
Councillor Darren Merrill
Canada Water Consultative Forum
Councillor Johnson Situ Councillor Kath Whittam Councillor Jane Salmon
Central London Forward
Councillor Kieron Williams
Centre for Literacy in Primary Education
Councillor Jasmine Ali
Creation Trust
Councillor Leo Pollak Councillor Jack Buck Councillor Lorraine Lauder
Cross River Board
Councillor Johnson Situ
Crystal Palace Community Development Trust
Councillor Catherine Rose
Newable Limited (formerly Greater London Enterprise)
Councillor Stephanie Cryan
Groundwork London, Local Authority Strategic Input Board
Councillor Catherine Rose
Guys and St. Thomas NHS Foundation (Council of Governors)
Councillor Evelyn Akoto
Kings College Hospital NHS (Council of Governors)
Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle
London Road Safety Council (LRSC)
Councillor Catherine Rose Councillor Radha Burgess
London Youth Games Limited
Councillor Catherine Rose Councillor Jasmine Ali (deputy)
Millwall for All
Councillor Sunny Lambe
North Southwark Environment Trust
Councillor Kath Whittam
Old Vic Board of Trustees
Councillor Rebecca Lury
Potters Fields Park Management Trust
Councillor Catherine Rose Caroline Bruce
Plastic Free East Dulwich
Councillor Charlie Smith
Plastic Free Peckham
Councillor Cleo Soanes
Shared ICT Services Joint Committee
Councillor Rebecca Lury Councillor Alice Macdonald
South Bank Partnership
Councillor Stephanie Cryan Councillor Victor Chamberlain Councillor Adele Morris Councillor David Noakes
South Bank Business Improvement District Ltd
Councillor Adele Morris Councillor Stephanie Cryan
South Bermondsey Big Local Partnership Steering Group
Councillor Richard Livingstone Councillor Sunny Lambe
South London Gallery Trustee Limited
Councillor Maria Linforth-Hall Councillor Radha Burgess Councillor Cleo Soanes
South London and Maudsley (SLaM) NHS Trust Members Council
Councillor Helen Dennis
Southwark Construction Skills Centre
Councillor Stephanie Cryan
Southwark and Lambeth Archaeological Excavation Committee (SLAEC)
Councillor Leanne Werner Mr. Bob Skelly (Deputy)
Safer Neighbourhood Board (Southwark)
Councillor Evelyn Akoto
WeAreWaterloo BID
Councillor Graham Neale |
Nominations to Panels, Boards and Forums 2020-21
To agree the allocation of places to the panels, boards and forums for the 2020-21 municipal year.. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
1. That the allocation of places to the panels, boards and forums set out in Appendix A of the report for the 2020-21 municipal year and member nominations be agreed as follows:
Joint Partnership Panel (Trade-union consultation)
Councillor Kieron Williams Councillor Rebecca Lury
Homeowners Service Charge Arbitration Panel
Councillor Charlie Smith Councillor Lorraine Lauder Councillor Renata Hamvas Councillor Sunny Lambe Councillor Sandra Rhule Councillor Margy Newens Councillor Kath Whittam Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle Councillor Maria Linforth-Hall Councillor Jane Salmon Councillor Eliza Mann Councillor Anood Al-Samerai
Tenancy and Leasehold Arbitration Tribunals
Councillor Charlie Smith Councillor Lorraine Lauder Councillor Renata Hamvas Councillor Sunny Lambe Councillor Sandra Rhule Councillor Margy Newens Councillor Kath Whittam Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle Councillor Maria Linforth-Hall Councillor Jane Salmon Councillor Eliza Mann Councillor Anood Al-Samerai Councillor William Houngbo
Southwark Safeguarding Adults Board
Councillor Helen Dennis Councillor Evelyn Akoto
Southwark Safeguarding Children’s Board
Councillor Jasmine Ali Councillor Evelyn Akoto
(*Cabinet requested that Councillor Evelyn Akoto also be invited to meetings of the board)
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
Councillor Graham Neale Councillor Richard Leeming Councillor Maggie Browning
Southwark Tenant Management Organisation Committee
Councillor Leo Pollak Councillor Gavin Edwards Councillor Darren Merrill Councillor William Houngbo |
Exclusion of the press and public That the press and public be excluded form the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in category 3 of paragraph 10.4 of the access to information procedure rules of the Southwark Constitution.
The following is a summary of the decisions taken in the closed part of the meeting. |
760 Old Kent Road, SE15 1NJ - Strategic Investment / Site Acquisition
Minutes: The cabinet considered the closed information relating to this item. Please see item 12 for the decision. |