Issue - meetings

Gateway 1: Supply of gas and electricity to Southwark

Meeting: 07/04/2020 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 Gateway 1 - Procurement Strategy Approval: Supply of Gas and Electricity to Southwark Council

To approve the use of the joint London Energy Project and LASER Energy Framework Agreement to administer the purchase and supply of the council’s corporate gas and electricity contracts (one gas, one electricity) for the period 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2025 under a rolling forward buying arrangement at an estimated value of £15m per annum and a total estimated

Supporting documents:




1.  That the use of the joint London Energy Project and LASER Energy Framework Agreement to administer the purchase and supply of the council’s corporate gas and electricity contracts (one gas, one electricity) for the period 1 October 2020 to 31 March 2025 under a rolling forward buying arrangement at an estimated value of £15m per annum and a total estimated value of £67.5m be approved.


2.  That authority be delegated to the strategic director of environment and leisure in conjunction with the cabinet member for environment, transport and the climate emergency to award the contract, and agree the subsequent purchasing options within the framework agreement. This will also include finalising any specific terms of the contract, and do all things necessary to facilitate the execution, implementation and operation of the contract, including the use of ancillary services available under the agreement (to be detailed in the gateway 2 report for the supply of gas and electricity).