Issue - meetings

Walworth Town Hall investment proposal

Meeting: 12/03/2019 - Cabinet (Item 15)

15 Walworth Town Hall Investment Proposal

To approve the preferred bidder for the Walworth Town Hall complex investment project.

Supporting documents:




1.  That General Projects be approved as the preferred bidder for the Walworth Town Hall complex investment project.


2.  That the council enter into an Agreement for Lease with General Projects to facilitate the preparation of planning and listed building applications for the scheme based on the concept set out in paragraph 32 of the report and subsequently to carry out the approved works.


3.  That the director of regeneration (in consultation with the cabinet member for growth development and planning) be asked to confirm that the proposals satisfy the requirements of paragraph 32 of the report before the planning and listed building applications are submitted to the local planning authority for determination.


4.  That following satisfactory completion of the scheme in accordance with the Agreement for Lease a new lease be granted in accordance with the principal terms set out in paragraph 8 of the closed version of the report and substantially in paragraph 47 of the open report and authority be given to the director of regeneration to approve detailed terms.


5.  That a grant of £2million be made to the preferred bidder on terms to be agreed in the agreement to lease. The principal purpose of these funds is to support the restoration of the designated community, arts and culture space.


6.  That officers prepare a further report for cabinet within 12 months on the dedicated community/arts/culture space in the ground floor of the former Newington Library which will address:


a)  a vision for the community, arts and culture space which meets the needs of the diverse Southwark population to be developed in consultation with stakeholders, community and General Projects


b)  options for an operational model which can deliver on the council’s commitment for community involvement in the management of the space.


7.  That it be noted that the community, arts and culture provision within the Walworth Town Hall and new Walworth Library and Southwark Heritage centre combine to deliver 939m2 of publically accessible space which exceeds the pre-fire figure of 650m2 (these figures are based on current available information). This equates to a 44% increase of publically accessible space.