Issue - meetings

1 Ann Moss Way, Rotherhithe, London SE16 1TL (Acquisition)

Meeting: 22/01/2019 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 1 Ann Moss Way, Rotherhithe and flexibility to acquire sites for council housing development

To authorise pursuant to s120 of the Local Government Act 1972 and s9 of the Housing Act 1985 that the council acquires the freehold interest in the property, 1 Ann Moss Road, Rotherhithe SE16.

Supporting documents:




Decisions of the Cabinet


1.  That pursuant to s120 of the Local Government Act 1972 and s9 of the Housing Act 1985, the council be authorised to acquire the freehold interest in the property shown edged red on the plan at Appendix A of the report.


2.  That the principal purchase terms, set out in full in paragraph 5 of the closed version of this report and substantially in paragraph 18 of the open report, be authorised.


3.  That authority be delegated to the director of regeneration authority to agree the details of the acquisition.


Decisions of  the Leader of the Council


4.  That authority be delegated to the director of regeneration in consultation with the strategic director of housing and modernisation, the strategic director of finance and governance and the cabinet member for social regeneration, great estates and new council homesto acquire sites in furtherance of the delivery of the council’s housing delivery programme.


5.  That in light of the amendment to recommendation 4 and for clarity, the report title for both open and closed reports be changed to:


1 Ann Moss Way Rotherhithe and flexibility to acquire sites for council housing development.