Issue - meetings

ICT shared service with Brent and Lewisham

Meeting: 20/06/2017 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Shared ICT Service with Brent and Lewisham

To approve the establishment of a three-way shared ICT service with the London Borough of Brent and London Borough of Lewisham and associated recommendations.

Supporting documents:




Decisions of the Cabinet


1.  That the work undertaken to: complete the identified due diligence activities, develop an inter-authority agreement and to assure the viability of a three-way shared ICT service since approval in principle was given to delegate the delivery of the ICT service to Brent be noted.


2.  That the establishment of a three-way shared ICT service with the London Borough of Brent and the London Borough of Lewisham and the delegation of the delivery of the ICT service (within the agreed scope including procurement of ICT related goods and services and shared ICT service staffing) to the London Borough of Brent as the primary host authority with a planned service commencement date of 1 November 2017 be approved.


3.  That the commitment of an estimated £19.1m payable to Brent as the host authority over a five year period for this arrangement be approved.


4.  That authority be delegated to the strategic director of housing and modernisation to agree the final terms of the inter-authority agreement.


5.  That it be noted that officers in Brent and Lewisham are presenting reports to their respective cabinets in relation to:


·  this delegation and future shared ICT service

·  the merging of the Brent and Lewisham application support teams and their incorporation into the shared ICT service.


6.  That the on-going work to redevelop the retained ICT team (IT and digital services) and the proposed insourcing of those applications support functions provided currently by Capita be noted.


7.  That it be noted that further to the approval given to extend the existing IT managed service contract with Capita, officers will finalise the arrangements to be implemented with Capita in respect of the provision of data centre hosting services.


8.  That it be noted that a report will be brought to a future cabinet meeting to update cabinet on transition progress, with future reporting as required by the cabinet.


Decisions of  the Leader of the Council


9.  That a joint committee with the London Boroughs of Brent and Lewisham to support the governance arrangements of the shared ICT service be established.


10.  That the joint committee will consist of two elected members from each council and that Southwark will be represented on that committee by two members (or substitute members) of the cabinet appointed by the leader.


11.  That draft governance arrangements and terms of reference as set out in Appendix B of the report be agreed.