Issue - meetings

Review of voids disposal strategy

Meeting: 22/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 21)

21 Review of Void Disposal Strategy

To note the progress of disposals of void housing properties since the last report to cabinet in May 2011 and agree to revise the criteria for disposals in the void disposal strategy.

Supporting documents:




1.  That the progress of disposals of void housing properties since the last report to cabinet in May 2011 be noted.


2.  That the continuing requirement to raise capital receipts for the housing investment programme, and the role of void disposals in providing a proportion of those receipts be noted.


3.  That the general increase in property values in Southwark since the review of 2011 be noted.


4.  That the criteria for disposals in the void disposal strategy from those agreed by cabinet in May 2011 be revised, to those set out in paragraph 52 of the report, and specifically to increase the threshold for disposal of void properties valued at £300,000 to £500,000 with the additional proviso that such properties be backed by one further category.


5.  That a change in focus from the setting of an annual target for void disposals to an ongoing assessment of the resource requirements of the housing investment programme to be provided by void disposals be agreed.


6.  That all disposal decisions be continued to be delegated in respect of the implementation of the policy to the head of property for disposals, but to increase this threshold from £500,000 to £750,000 estimated value (subject to the constitutional changes that this will require), and that the cabinet member for housing shall continue to monitor the process.


7.  That the change in the strategy for delivering the hidden homes programme in January 2013 be noted.