Issue - meetings

Abbeyfield estate regeneration project update

Meeting: 17/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Abbeyfield Estate - Regeneration Project Update

To consider a regeneration project update in respect of the Abbeyfield Estate.

Supporting documents:


The cabinet heard a deputation from the Abbeyfield Residents Steering group (item 6).




1.  That it be noted that Maydew House tenants who have been rehoused since 9 August 2010 and who qualify for the option to return can choose which flat they return to from the flats available for letting following refurbishment.


2.  That a separate report seeking to make a compulsory purchase order for the acquisition of all interests not within the council’s ownership be brought to cabinet at a later date.


3.  That the proposed development process including identification of void properties for sale, with a concentration in the top eight floors be noted.


4.  That a later procurement for the consultants and contractor to deliver the enhanced refurbishment works as outlined in paragraph 44 of the report be noted.


5.  That arrangements for a concierge service on completion of the works programme be worked up separately from the other schemes in the borough in the light of the specific requirements pertaining at Abbeyfield Estate.


6.  That the position for rent charges atMaydew House after refurbishment works are complete be agreed.


7.  That the implications of the implementation of the Southwark Heat Network proposals on the estate be noted.


8.  That the impact of the capital works service charges to leaseholders and the annual service charges to all residents be noted.


9.  That the arrangements for ongoing consultation with residents and the Bede Centre be noted.


10.  That an update report be received in six months on all high investment need estates within Southwark, including Abbeyfield.