Decision details

Gateway 1 - Procurement Strategy Approval - Southwark and Lambeth Barristers Framework

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Approval of procurement strategy for barristers’ services




1  That the procurement strategy outlined in the report for an inter borough Barristers framework arrangement serving Southwark and Lambeth extending over a period of 4 years be approved.


2  That the leader of the council delegate approval to the cabinet member for finance and resources or the strategic director of communities, law and governance, which ever is the most expedient, to award the framework contract for the reasons set out in paragraph 11 of the report.


3  That approval be given to there being a reserve position for the development of a unilateral, ‘Southwark only’ framework in the unlikely event that the partnership with Lambeth Council does not proceed as envisaged.

Report author: Deborah Collins

Publication date: 08/07/2010

Date of decision: 07/07/2010

Decided at meeting: 07/07/2010 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: